Wednesday 20 November 2013


Film ideas

The letter-
This was our first film idea. Its story involved one character who receives a letter  every day, each one getting more shocking and violent. This genre of film is similar to what our final film is. A horror/thriller. As we see the main character receiving each letter we see himself change. He becomes more anxious and nervous. His facial expressions become more frightened, he moves more cautiously. This idea did not seem original and did seem to work for our film for a number of reasons. Past media projects also included very similar ideas thus making our film not seem original. Also we felt the scenes with the letter would becomes to repetitive for the audience, and would lack the thriller element. The final reason as to why we didn't use this idea for our final film idea was because our last idea about kidnapping felt original, thrilling and unique.

The child-
This was our second idea. It story involved a couple who find a child in the garden, hear strange noises from the loft and also see strange occurrences  in and around the house. This idea was our most complex idea. IT involved a lot of dialogue which was our first problem. Secondly it was difficult to generate a story, instead the idea felt like a lot of little ideas that didn't quite manage to merge into one. We thought of shooting the film but eventually it did not work out. The location, the lighting and the amount of actors required was too difficult. We needed a simpilar, less complex but more effective idea.

This was our final idea and best idea. The story involved in our opening sequence was about a kidnapping. Its a phycological horror/thriller in wich the story was simple but effective (unlike the previous two).

Our idea for the film was initially going to be a slow paced thriller type film called The Letter. The film was going to follow a man during his day to day life and everyday he would get a mysterious letter counting down. This idea then progressed and changed, the plot was changed to have a mysterious child haunting the house and family. The more we thought about these ideas the more we realized that they wouldn't work and we were finally able to come up with our final idea. We sat down and discussed a way of incorporating good ideas to make and intro for a film we will be able to make that will look good and won’t seem thrown together. The hardest decision turned out to be naming the film; we don’t want something generic and bland like the names for the concept ideas.
                The final idea for the film is a thriller with many horror aspects that is very atmospheric and takes time in building tension and suspense. The story will follow a serial killer, focusing on his everyday life, showing his interactions with his victim and using inner monologue as a way of telling the story. While we will only have one victim other cases of murders will be implied. Dialogue will be minimal to show the separation from our character with the rest of the world. The film will focus on tense, slow paced music and cinematography to build suspense and keep the audience engaged with what is happening on screen. We will continue to keep the main character a mystery onscreen, not showing much of him but making sure the audience knows he is dominant and there. His identity will remain a secret and the film will end in a finale that ties together any loose ends and completely explains the story but keeps a sense of mystery.
The Opening-

The film opens with a series of shots from within the car; we can see the road ahead but not much of the character. We then get to see the surroundings, an isolated country road. It is mid to late evening, the sun is setting. We see the car pull up outside a barn and a masked man step out. Camera angles keep him looking mysterious. The masked man then enters the barn where a victim is held captive. We see the victim dragged to the car and a high angle shots shows him being thrown in the boot. We then follow the masked character check his back seat where we can see a shovel. The character then gets back in the car and continues to drive. We then see the car pull up on an isolated road, a series of muffled screams can be heard from the boot. Over the radio we are able to hear some back story talking about the disappearance of the character in the boot. The masked man is never mention and therefore is able to remain more mysterious and therefore scarier. The masked man grabs the shovel and then takes the victim out of the boot. The victim is unable to struggle but seems to have given up. The final shot shows the victim sat in a field whilst in the background we are able to see the masked man digging a hole. The camera then proceeds to fade to black.

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