Monday 9 December 2013

Risk assessment

Potential Risk
Risk Level
Control Measures
Car accident/ crash
Dependant on speeds, roads and weather conditions.
Shots of driving, moving from first to last scene.
Medium risk.
Dark area with possibly hazardous roads.
Pay attention, caution whilst driving, and responsible adult driving.
Car accident/ person hit by car
Dependant on speed of car.
Shots from outside of car.
Low risk.
People shouldn’t get in front of the car.
Stay out of cars way whilst filming, responsible adult driving, and lights to see people.
Someone being hit by car boot
Dependant on ferocity of closing of boot.
Only one scene.
Medium risk.
Only happens in one scene.
Caution whilst closing boot, no messing around on set.
Falling off chair
Dependant on height of fall/
Only first scene whilst tied to chair.
Medium risk.
Could be uneven ground, struggling whilst on chair.
Steady chair, no messing around on set.
Friction burns from dragging
Dependant on surface and speed.
Only one shot of dragging.
Medium risk.
Only one scene, don’t know what the ground will be like on the day of filming.
Use area with softer ground, slow drag.

Risk Assessment-

A risk assessment is an evaluation of all the possibly hazards that could occur to cast and crew during filming. They are used by the production crew of the film/ video but everybody must take it into consideration. They include usual or environment specific risks such as tripping or a car accident. We have risk assessments because they allow people to think about the possible risks and prepare for them. They are used to reduce the risk of injury. This is important as it means recording can go smoother and no cast or crew is injured.

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