Wednesday 9 October 2013

Analysis of Se7en


This is the famous opening titles for the film se7en directed by David Fincher.

The opening of seven describes the way of life for multiple characters through camera direction, cinematography, sound and lighting.
Shots such as the point of view allow us as the viewer to immerse ourselves into the characters more. This is done also to emphasise that this is the character in which we get to know to be one of the main characters, and that throughout the film he is an important person. The whole first sequences focuses on this character, this only emphasises my point, and he is a character of importance and should be seen throughout. The sequences also show his lifestyle, a man living alone, resulting in possible isolation, but also he is clearly very organized and hinting at his profession.

Cinematography is also used through a low angle shot, right at the end of the sequence. A scene which both characters step foot outside. A low angle shot is used for a dominating presence, and this is what it is used here. Two detectives giving a sense of authority, however whilst this is a similarity, one looks and acts more experiences than the other but yet still have equal dominance.
Carrying on with this scene, the weather itself is raining. This in itself is a clear indication on many things. One it can foreshadow on what’s to come, but also gives a sense of a city without hope. The scene previous (at the beginning) gave a sense of quietness and calmness, through the use sound. However ambient sound is used later to emphasis
a busy, load and through the use of rain, decaying city being washed away.
On to my previous point, the stance of the main character is very isolated, like his personality. He ignores other officers, seeing them primarily as a distraction, and uses his own techniques to solve a murder. This is through is hands in his pockets and replying not face to face by others. Instead he mutters the answer. This in itself can emphasis the characters choice of lifestyle, he is focused on his job, being organized (which is necessary for a detective) and choices to discard others, yet through facial expressions he is yet to appear cold, instead looks calm. To conclude, the opening of seven introduces us to the director’s vision of a cruel, violent world in which men, like detective Somerset have to live and tolerate. It is only through Mills that as we see later throughout the film Somerset has interaction.

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